Coast Championships South Lakes 15-16 October

SLMASC_Coasts_2022_Event_Logo_360The Coast Championships are on at South Lake Macquarie Amateur Sailing Club 15-16 October.


This is a great venue and we and the SLMASC are keen to make this a great event after the disappointment of having to cancel the event there last year due to COVID (remember that).


The Notice of Race for the event is Here. You can enter online Here or at the club on 15th October. The Sailing Instructions are Here.


With the big events coming up like the State Open and Masters Championships at nearby Wangi 19-20 November, the Nationals at Georges River 1-8 January and the National Masters at Port Stephens 10-13 March this event is a good way to shake out the cobwebs in preparation for large fleet racing.

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