NB Sailsports Sprint Series Gosford Results

The third round of the NB Sailsports Sprint Series was sailed out of Gosford Sailing Club on Sunday 25th August with 49 boats entering.  The first race set in a very shifty light westerly made it challenging for all the sailors.  The forecast light SSE came in by the start of the second race providing pleasant racing conditions.

Winners on the day were Blake Selley in the 4.7 s, with three wins, Shane Conly in the Radials with a 1, 2, 2 and Sean Atherton in the Standards with three wins.  You can see the results for the day here and for the series to date here.  Please contact the Membership Secretary (see contacts page) for any queries regarding the results.

Thanks to Gosford Sailing Club for the event organisation and great bacon and egg rolls.

The next leg of the Sailsports Sprint Series is at Double Bay Sailing Club on Sunday 8th September with the first race start at 11.00 am.

Some photos of the day show the log-jam at the bottom mark in the first race, backdrop of smoke from hazard reduction burn during sailing and coming ashore.Gosford_250813_logjam_at_bottom_markGosford_250813_background_fires Gosford_250813_coming_ashore

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