Coast Championships Gosford 12-13 October

Jordan Makin Radial Winner at Coasts Gosford 2017

Jordan Makin Radial Winner at Coasts Gosford 2017

With a big year coming up for Laser sailing our NSW & ACT events kick off on 12-13 October with the Coast Championships Regatta at Gosford Sailing Club. The Notice of Race for this event is HERE , The Sailing Instructions are HERE and you can enter HERE.


Our State Championships are at Georges River Sailing Club 9-10 November. The NoR for this event is HERE and you can enter HERE.


These events along with the State Masters at Lake Jinbabyne Sailing Club 8-9 February will be great preparation for the Australian, Regional and World Championships coming up in Victoria in 2020. Dates, venues and web links for all the events are on the Events Page of this site.


Don’t forget to enter in any or all the Laser events anywhere in the World you need to renew your district membership (it runs from 1 October 2019 to 30 September 2020). Our membership fee ($20 for sailors under 21 and $40 above 21) goes mostly towards the International and Australian Laser Class Associations and the more members we have in Australia the more places we are allocated in the limited entry World championship events. You can renew or join online HERE.

NSW & ACT District Laser Association |