South Pacific Laser Masters RQYS 22-25 July

South_Pacifics_logoThe south Pacific Laser Masters will again be held from Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron this year between 22nd and 25th July.

There is a flyer for the event HERE.

You can view the Notice of Race HERE and enter online HERE.

Early bird entry fee applies for this event up to 15th July.

Charter boats and a very limited number of loan boats will be available. Details are in the NoR.

QLA have produced a  list of activities that partners and families can enjoy while the racing is underway which you can see HERE.

As a prelude to the 2016 South Pacific Laser Masters, a Mexico Masters’ master class will be held at Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron on Thursday, 21 July, starting at 5.30pm.
This event is free to SPLM sailors and Qld Laser Association members. Information on this event is HERE.

This is always a great Masters event.


NSW & ACT District Laser Association |