NSW & ACT Laser to ILCA Name Change
In 2019 the ILCA was forced to change the name and trademark for the Laser in order to retain the class’ Olympic status. If you need reminding, or are curious, there is a good explanation of the reasons and the strategy which lead to the change to ILCA naming in a 2019 letter from ILCA Chair Tracy Usher Here.
The majority of ILCA districts and regions worldwide have changed their names from Laser to ILCA and now we would like to make this change from NSW & ACT District Laser Association to ILCA NSW & ACT.
When we change the organisation’s name we are required to change the constitution to match. Our current constitution Here dates from 1986 and is out of date. We have decided to update the document while incorporating the naming changes. The proposed new constitution is Here.
To make these changes our regulator NSW Fair Trading requires that we have a majority of members voting to approve the change in our name and to be in favour of a special resolution to replace our constitution. This voting will be online.
All members can vote via a link which we will email to members. Current financial members are all sailors at MHASC and all ILCA sailing members of LC12ftSSC and all sailors on our online membership list Here.
Voting will be open until the end of June 2023.