Double Bay Winter Sailing

DBSC_LogoDouble Bay Sailing Club’s winter series kicks off on 8 May.


Each week races will count for both a championship and pointscore series. There will be a total of 30 races over 10 weeks to 24 July 2022 (that is, 3 races each Sunday). There will be no racing during the school holidays. (3 Jul, 10 Jul, 17 Jul).


You can subscribe to the calendar on DBSC website. Either sail over or rig at Double Bay, Sign on and off links are on the web site.


Starts will be at 08:30 (weather permitting) and there will be no start after 11:30. For further information, please read the Sailing Instructions.


If you want to improve your sailing over winter then Brett Beyer is offering his Winter Program at DBSC (BBWP) for 6 weeks (18 races) on 8 May, 15 May, 12 Jun, 19 Jun, 26 Jun, 24 Jul.  The cost of the program is $360 for all 6 weeks.


BBWP subscribers will carry a GPS during each race and will later receive a report and animation showing their GPS tracks vs the fleet, together with fleet-level commentary on each leg. Subscribers will also have access to Brett to ask questions on the water (not during the races) and can later ask questions on the weekly report. The terms of the program are available on DBSC website.


If any other clubs have winter racing open to visitors let us know and we will publicise it.

NSW & ACT District Laser Association |