Coast Championship Port Kembla 24-25 October Cancelled

Australian Sailing has issued guidance on running of club sailing and events which you can see HERE.
Pertinent to our NSW & ACT Laser events are the points:

• Club racing and regattas are able to continue, however clubs are being asked to avoid events where competitors are coming from areas outside your club’s metro areas where possible.
• Avoid travel to regattas outside your local area.


Our events this season are outside Sydney except for the Metropolitan Championship (Hunters Hill). Under this guidance we are advised to avoid running these events and in effect the vast majority of our sailors are advised not to attend them.


While the situation may change it seems unlikely that it will leading up to our planned Coast Championship at Port Kembla (24-25 October). So rather than leaving sailors hanging on we have decided to cancel the Coast Championship this year.


We are hopeful that our States at Belmont (5-6 December) will be able to proceed. We will review the situation in September.

NSW & ACT District Laser Association |