Boat Measurements for Masters Worlds

Masters LogoFor the Australian Championships at Sandringham in January out of 274 boats entered some 97 corrections where required at measurement. The most common issues were sail numbers and national codes (21), rudder angle (14), rudder or centreboard too thick (19).


It is likely that the boats presented for measurement for the World Masters in Geelong will have similar (or possibly worse) compliance.


Now is a good time to check your boat against the class rules. Sail number and national code (AUS) specifications are HERE . For the Worlds all boats have to have their AUS affixed in the right place and a correct full Laser number.


The specifications for centreboards and rudders are HERE  We will have a rudder and centreboard gauge available at both the Metropolitan Championships Double Bay and the State Masters at Lake Jindabyne so sailors can check out their blade thickness and rudder angle.


It is a World Championship at Geelong and Laser is a strict one design class. Check your boat and expect no mercy at measurement and you won’t be disappointed.

NSW & ACT District Laser Association |