Class Rule Change Vote to Ensure We Remain Olympic

Voting is open until 31 July for a very important ILCA rule change.


Please vote YES to secure the future of our class and to make sure that we remain in the Olympics.


The 2019 Rule Change vote is important, as ILCA works to meet new requirements imposed by the World Sailing Council in their 2024 Olympic Equipment Policy, which includes allowing competitive supply of boats and parts by qualified builders worldwide.


The rule change is a backup if the Laser builders can’t agree to World Sailing terms for the Laser to remain an Olympic class. If the builders agree then we don’t need the rule change but if they don’t  agree and we don’t change the Class rule then the Laser will be out of the Olympics after Tokyo 2020.


For reasons we struggle to understand the European Region EurILCA is recommending to its members to vote against the change. It is the their 2024 (Paris Marseilles) Olympics which the vote is aimed at keeping the Laser in – go figure.


A  YES vote before 31 July will;

  • Make sure that our class will remain in the Olympics.
  • Allow for healthy market competition and ensure that class-legal equipment is available in ALL parts of the world.
  • Give control of our class to the sailors, not the commercial parties.


For information about the proposed rule change, click on any of the following links;


A summary of the reasons for the rule change

The text of the proposed rule change 

Detailed information about the rule change

Questions and Answers


There is also a link to voting on the ILCA website:

NSW & ACT District Laser Association |