Change of Timing for Laser Championships
Following the ALCA AGM and the gathering of views on the timing and length of the Laser Nationals (Oceania & Australia Laser Championships) the ALCA Committee have decided that the following arrangements will prevail for next (Tasmania 2019) and, as far as possible, subsequent Laser Nationals events.
- Measurement 1st January 2019
- Measurement and Test Race 2nd January
- Races 3rd to 8th January (6 days 12 races)
These dates and arrangements for the 2019 event, to be run by the Mersey Yacht Club Devonport, will be formalised shortly in the usual way via the Notice of Race. This will be a combined Open and Masters event.
The timing for the 2020 event to be hosted by the Victorian District is fluid at present as arrangements are finalised for the National/Regional and International events planned for Melbourne and Geelong in that year.