Online Pre-race Briefing for Metros

BYRA_LogoBecause there will be a number of sailors staging away from BRYA we have posted our R.O. Col Chidgey’s pre-race briefing HERE.

There are currently no changes to the Sailing Instructions which are online HERE.

It will be a busy scene on Pittwater on the weekend on Saturday we will be sharing the waters of Pittwater with the RMYC fleets of Rangers, Jubilees and Coutas and their Classic Spin and Non-Spin fleets.  They will sail a windward/leward course to the north of us and, concurrently a classic yacht passage race which will finish to our south at RMYC.

On Sunday there will be a similar set of boats on a passage race again finishing off RMYC.  The combined dinghy clubs will sail their Super Sunday on their south Pittwater course which is the water to the south of our course area.  RPAYC has a Sail Expo and should have little presence on the water apart from clouds of their Lasers.

The first Warning Signal on Saturday is at 1330. Sunday at 1100.  Please allow plenty of time to get to the racetrack.  Saturday in the NE it should take some 20 minutes.  We’ll aim to do 3 races on both days, Huey willing.

NSW & ACT District Laser Association |