Events for 2015/16 Season

Time to start planning for next season. This will be a big one for us as we are hosting the Australian Open Laser Championship at Belmont over Christmas/New Year and the National Laser Masters Championship at Port Stephens 12-15th February 2016.

We have set our regatta program for next season as follows:

  • Coasts 17/18 Oct 2015 Port Kembla Sailing Club
  • Combined State Open and Masters 14/15 November 2015 Wangi WRSLASC
  • Nationals Belmont 16’s 27 Dec 2015 to 4 Jan 2016 Belmont 16’s SC
  • National Masters 12-15 Feb 2016 Port Stephens PSSAC
  • Metros 5/6 March 2016 Bayview BYRA

Because we have the Open Nationals and National Masters and a big Sail Sydney you will notice that we have combined the Open and Masters States just for next season.

Notices of Race, Sailing Instructions and online entry for all these events will be available on this web site.

We will be encouraging participation but also looking out for some assistance on the water and on the land with the running of the two big National Championship events. In particular because we expect these events to draw large fleets we are looking for additional RIB’s or similar craft, preferably with a driver to augment the fleet we have. If you are, or know someone who is, willing to assist and enjoy aspects of these prime events from close quarters while helping to make them memorable then please contact Kevin Phillips at

If any clubs are interested to host any of our NSW/ACT events in season 2016/17 (a long way off I know) then please contact We pay $2,000 to offset host club’s costs and have race management logistics, race officer and some equipment to help clubs with events.

NSW & ACT District Laser Association |