NSW/ACT Masters 2021
Jervis Bay Sailing Club
NSW/ACT Masters 8-9 March 2021
4.7 Fleet
Sailed: 6, Discards: 1, To count: 5, Entries: 2, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank Fleet Division Boat Class SailNo Club HelmName R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Total Nett
1st 4.7 GM 55+ Momentai Female 216358 RPAYC Pru Bennett -1 1 1 1 1 1 6 5
2nd 4.7 Master 45+ No Name Female 208810 PKSC/IYC Lara Bowman (3.0 DNC) 3.0 DNC 3.0 DNC 3.0 DNC 2 2 16 13
Radial Fleet
Sailed: 6, Discards: 1, To count: 5, Entries: 77, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank Fleet Division Boat Class SailNo Club HelmName R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Total Nett
1st Radial Apprentice 35+ Captain Steamy Male 217857 DBSC James Tudball 1 1 -7 2 3 2 16 9
2nd Radial GM 55+ Mischief Male 199101 GRSC David Early -6 4 1 3 4 1 19 13
3rd Radial Apprentice 35+ No Name Male 211546 DBSC Gavin Blake 2 5 -18 1 2 3 31 13
4th Radial GM 55+ Coconut Telegraph Male 208808 RBYC Tony McPhail 7 8 2 7 8 -9 41 32
5th Radial GGM 65+ Shark Male 199093 MHASC/GRSC Jeff Loosemore 8 9 -27 4 5 6 59 32
6th Radial GM 55+ Nutloaf Female 212891 MHASC Vanessa Dudley 3 -15 5 5 14 7 49 34
7th Radial GM 55+ Arran Male 217832 VYC Anthony Scali 4 6 -13 10 7 8 48 35
8th Radial GM 55+ White House Male 216355 DBSC Martin White 13 7 -22 6 6 5 59 37
9th Radial Master 45+ Troublemaker Male 218008 DBSC Andrew Cox (78.0 BFD) 2 11 25 1 4 121 43
10th Radial GM 55+ Dash Male 202799 RANSA/CYC Rick Longbottom 10 -19 8 9 12 10 68 49
11th Radial GGM 65+ Main Squeeze Male 216354 NSC Tim Alexander 11 12 10 -13 9 11 66 53
12th Radial GGM 65+ Wiggle Male 211584 MHASC Robert Lowndes 25 -39 6 12 16 16 114 75
13th Radial GM 55+ All hands on deck Male 196451 VYC Craig Davis 18 11 -31 16 15 15 106 75
14th Radial GM 55+ Boat of Pain Male 202645 CYC Bruce Paine -27 13 12 20 19 12 103 76
15th Radial GGM 65+ Constant Friction Male 216361 NSC Ian Clare 15 -36 4 17 25 17 114 78
16th Radial Apprentice 35+ Ribbit Male 193407 Manly YC Bevis Field -30 20 3 15 18 24 110 80
17th Radial GM 55+ No Name Male 218102 VYC Stephen Girdis 19 22 -54 11 20 13 139 85
18th Radial Apprentice 35+ Iron Buddha Male 214426 DBSC Alistair Sutherland 12 14 24 14 23 -27 114 87
19th Radial GGM 65+ Unfinished Business Male 216225 GSC David Edmiston -31 24 14 8 21 21 119 88
20th Radial GGM 65+ KICK Male 217305 B16SC/ NCYC Peter Heywood 5 17 29 18 -37 23 129 92
21st Radial GGM 65+ Bloke Male 211579 DBSC Patrick Levy 9 25 -33 22 26 14 129 96
22nd Radial Master 45+ Drunken Pirate Male 184257 GRSC Martin Wilson -29 28 17 21 13 19 127 98
23rd Radial GM 55+ B d Male 202883 MYC Philip Reid 16 32 -34 23 17 20 142 108
24th Radial GGM 65+ Shiaway Male 217581 VYC Michael O'Brien -41 16 19 26 28 26 156 115
25th Radial Master 45+ Eratic Male 192295 GRSC Tim Nedle 32 26 28 (78.0 DNC) 11 22 197 119
26th Radial GM 55+ SPEC Female 202745 MHASC / RPAYC Jenny Danks -49 38 15 19 35 25 181 132
27th Radial GGM 65+ Sid Knee MM Male 199020 MHASC Peter Stephinson -38 21 20 27 33 32 171 133
28th Radial GM 55+ Hydra Male 198086 NSC Stephen Penny 21 29 30 33 24 -35 172 137
29th Radial GGM 65+ Gone Left Male 207849 GRSC David Robson 23 30 36 -45 22 33 189 144
30th Radial Legends 75+ Such is Life Male 191608 MHASC Lew Verdon 20 42 16 29 39 -45 191 146
31st Radial GM 55+ Afrayed Knot Male 209260 IYC Boudy de Haas 37 23 -49 24 27 38 198 149
32nd Radial Master 45+ Therapy Female 212879 DBSC Katie McHugh 39 -41 23 37 29 28 197 156
33rd Radial GGM 65+ Misties Fool Male 206004 CYC Tony Ryan 33 33 35 31 -41 29 202 161
34th Radial Legends 75+ Adios Male 214991 GSC Kevin Phillips 34 37 21 30 -40 40 202 162
35th Radial Master 45+ Priority One Male 183012 GRSC Jeffrey Myers 50 27 9 35 43 -58 222 164
36th Radial GM 55+ Don Male 215085 RBYC Nick Ede 24 3 26 40 (78.0 DNC) 78.0 DNC 249 171
37th Radial GM 55+ Pizza Delivery Male 201536 GRSC David Cradock 36 35 37 -44 30 34 216 172
38th Radial GM 55+ Waverunner Male 199029 GRSC Per Gustafsson 17 (78.0 DNC) 78.0 DNC 28 34 18 253 175
39th Radial Master 45+ Severn C?s Male 206416 NSC Chris Severn -51 49 25 34 36 31 226 175
40th Radial GGM 65+ Simply the Best Male 211472 GSC Chris Meech 28 -51 38 36 38 36 227 176
41st Radial GM 55+ Pure Blonde Male 207834 RPAYC Lindsay Whitton 40 34 -45 39 31 41 230 185
42nd Radial GM 55+ TBA Male 217302 DBSC David Airey -43 43 41 41 32 30 230 187
43rd Radial GM 55+ #blouse Female 215574 MHASC Diane Sissingh -44 44 32 38 44 37 239 195
44th Radial GGM 65+ Indispensable II Male 19902 BYRA John Black 46 31 43 43 42 -53 258 205
45th Radial Master 45+ Murphy?s Male 207475 DBSC David Murphy 26 -54 42 53 48 47 270 216
46th Radial GGM 65+ Sparkles Male 196429 VYC Richard Dreverman 35 40 48 -52 47 50 272 220
47th Radial GGM 65+ Fine Wine Male 214441 DBSC Mark Bethwaite 14 18 46 (78.0 DNC) 78.0 DNC 78.0 DNC 312 234
48th Radial Master 45+ Deluge Male 176158 MYC Tim Docker 45 53 -65 50 45 43 301 236
49th Radial Master 45+ Gubbly Male 207477 GRSC Nick Coates 48 -62 47 55 46 42 300 238
50th Radial GM 55+ Flat White Male 206746 MHASC Philip Ipsen 57 -59 40 56 52 39 303 244
51st Radial GM 55+ Pierro Male 184246 NSC Tony Stephens (78.0 DNC) 47 57 47 51 46 326 248
52nd Radial GM 55+ NB. Fluke Male 207490 DBSC Daryl Lawrence 55 -56 44 51 50 49 305 249
53rd Radial GM 55+ Fartoomuch Male 198128 GSC Adam French (78.0 BFD) 10 78.0 DNC 78.0 BFD 10 78.0 DNC 332 254
54th Radial Master 45+ Kotare Female 184667 MHASC Michelle Lefevre 52 52 -58 42 58 52 314 256
55th Radial GM 55+ Rust Never Sleeps Male 170548 NSC John Smidmore 58 48 53 57 (78.0 DNC) 44 338 260
56th Radial GGM 65+ Mostly Harmless Male 191630 LJSC Steve Osborne -65 55 56 48 55 48 327 262
57th Radial Legends 75+ Bonnie Tuesday Male 202677 PMYC David Wyllie 56 46 -59 54 54 54 323 264
58th Radial GGM 65+ Captain Tudwash Male 180195 DBSC Ian Tudball 47 58 52 59 49 (78.0 DNC) 343 265
59th Radial GM 55+ No Name Male 170543 NSC Richard Moncton -63 57 50 61 53 51 335 272
60th Radial GGM 65+ Parkbench Male 181906 MHASC Frank Walsh 22 (78.0 DNC) 78.0 DNC 32 78.0 DNC 78.0 DNC 366 288
61st Radial Master 45+ Fluffys luffa Female 185794 NSC Sandy Kiernan 53 -65 60 58 56 61 353 288
62nd Radial GGM 65+ Time and Tide Male 207836 NSC Peter Doyle 59 60 51 -67 64 56 357 290
63rd Radial GGM 65+ Logic Male 184699 JBSC Mervyn Lotze 54 45 39 (78.0 DNC) 78.0 DNC 78.0 DNC 372 294
64th Radial GM 55+ Tangled Ropes Male 206021 GRSC Ken Roper 60 61 -63 62 60 57 363 300
65th Radial Legends 75+ Ankle Biter Male 202722 CYC Stuart Allan 42 50 55 (78.0 DNC) 78.0 DNC 78.0 DNC 381 303
66th Radial GM 55+ Quickdraw Male 207819 LJSC Kerry Mcgaw 64 64 66 49 63 (78.0 DNC) 384 306
67th Radial GM 55+ Endless Friction Male 187909 NSC Simon Bartels 66 (78.0 DNC) 64 60 65 60 393 315
68th Radial Legends 75+ Wombat Male 199028 VYC Phil Eadie 61 (78.0 DNC) 61 63 78.0 DNC 55 396 318
69th Radial Apprentice 35+ Passing Wind Female 206023 DBSC Diana Chen -68 67 68 66 57 62 388 320
70th Radial GM 55+ Pats Force Male 209530 NSC Robert McCulloch 62 66 67 -68 62 63 388 320
71st Radial GGM 65+ Indispensable Male 160282 CRSC David Bennett 69 (78.0 DNC) 78.0 DNC 65 61 59 410 332
72nd Radial GM 55+ Tiger Male 167035 NLSC Steve Walsh 67 63 62 (78.0 DNC) 78.0 DNC 78.0 DNC 426 348
73rd Radial GM 55+ May Contain Nuts Male 184699 JBSC Andrew Summers (78.0 DNC) 78.0 DNC 78.0 DNC 64 59 78.0 DNC 435 357
74th Radial GGM 65+ No Name Male 198103 CRSC Peter Eslick (78.0 DNC) 78.0 DNC 78.0 DNC 46 78.0 DNC 78.0 DNC 436 358
75th Radial Master 45+ Zoom Male 202831 DBSC Kirk Marcolina (78.0 DNC) 78.0 DNC 78.0 DNC 78.0 DNC 78.0 DNC 78.0 DNC 468 390
75th Radial GGM 65+ Mille & Lidie Male 212823 DBSC Julian van Aalst (78.0 DNC) 78.0 DNC 78.0 DNC 78.0 DNC 78.0 DNC 78.0 DNC 468 390
75th Radial GGM 65+ LASSer Male 203797 CYC Martin Linsley (78.0 DNC) 78.0 DNC 78.0 DNC 78.0 DNC 78.0 DNC 78.0 DNC 468 390
Standard Fleet
Sailed: 6, Discards: 1, To count: 5, Entries: 64, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank Fleet Division Boat Class SailNo Club HelmName R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Total Nett
1st Standard Apprentice 35+ No Name Male 217277 PMYC Matt Blakey 2 1 1 1 (65.0 BFD) 1 71 6
2nd Standard Master 45+ SlowCoach Male 217580 WSC Brett Beyer 1 -2 2 2 1 2 10 8
3rd Standard Master 45+ Salt Male 218346 VYC Matthew Faddy 3 4 4 -8 2 6 27 19
4th Standard GM 55+ The Left Lane Male 217590 RPAYC/ASC Jan Scholten 9 8 (65.0 BFD) 5 3 3 93 28
5th Standard GM 55+ No Name Male 217292 PMYC Steve Gunther 10 6 -17 6 4 4 47 30
6th Standard Master 45+ Nosey Male 218128 DBSC Luke Parker 8 5 10 3 (65.0 RAF) 5 96 31
7th Standard Master 45+ Fr8Train Male 216167 FSC/SOPYC David Whait 6 3 12 (65.0 BFD) 5 7 98 33
8th Standard Master 45+ Full Cream Milk Male 198091 RPAYC Stuart Holdsworth 4 -11 9 9 6 8 47 36
9th Standard Master 45+ Disko Trooper Male 216189 DBSC Jules Hall 7 7 -23 14 9 12 72 49
10th Standard Master 45+ Barnstormer Male 212828 DBSC Rod Barnes 15 9 15 7 7 -17 70 53
11th Standard Master 45+ Bigdog Male 212021 DBSC Ian Alexander 12 10 6 -13 13 13 67 54
12th Standard Apprentice 35+ No Name Male 218147 DBSC David Newman 17 -28 13 4 12 10 84 56
13th Standard Master 45+ Ralphy Male 215020 MHASC/DBSC Nick Alexander 14 -30 5 23 16 9 97 67
14th Standard Master 45+ Send it Male 215011 MYC Ian Saunders 5 (65.0 DNC) 7 26 8 23 134 69
15th Standard Apprentice 35+ Bamm Bamm Male 202966 VYC Byron Georgouras 18 16 11 -34 10 22 111 77
16th Standard Apprentice 35+ Go Neutral Male 214427 DBSC Nicholas Pellow -21 13 21 18 11 15 99 78
17th Standard GM 55+ Seedy Male 211499 RPAYC Chris Dawson 16 14 20 10 -23 19 102 79
18th Standard GM 55+ Socially Distant Male 212848 VYC Chris Rodowicz -25 23 14 16 15 11 104 79
19th Standard GGM 65+ GG Male 215576 DBSC Ashley Deacon 11 12 -29 12 20 27 111 82
20th Standard GM 55+ Fade to Grey Male 192562 GRSC Bruce Hilleard 19 24 8 24 -29 14 118 89
21st Standard Master 45+ Antipodean Male 217858 DBSC Geoff Kirk 13 -32 32 22 14 21 134 102
22nd Standard Apprentice 35+ Quicker Flicker Male 210489 DBSC Murray Stone 23 17 16 30 19 -47 152 105
23rd Standard GM 55+ Trash Talk Male 209558 PMYC Robert Wilson -27 27 22 25 18 16 135 108
24th Standard Apprentice 35+ Romeo Male 218103 DBSC Hadrien Bourely (65.0 DNC) 22 26 11 27 28 179 114
25th Standard GM 55+ Zarquon Male 192633 GSC Alan Downes 30 15 19 28 26 (65.0 DNC) 183 118
26th Standard Apprentice 35+ Iolani Male 192270 MYC Iain Cameron 22 -36 31 17 30 18 154 118
27th Standard GM 55+ Widget Male 205001 DBSC Andrew Simpson -47 21 27 19 22 32 168 121
28th Standard Master 45+ Almost Dunne Male 217835 DBSC Mike Dunne 20 26 25 (65.0 BFD) 17 35 188 123
29th Standard GM 55+ Satu Lagi Male 212839 GRSC Mark Hooper 26 20 3 51 (65.0 BFD) 26 191 126
30th Standard Master 45+ Raptor Male 212893 MHASC Phil Bookallil 29 19 30 -32 24 24 158 126
31st Standard GM 55+ Barry Crocker Male 30 GRSC Ian Young 24 33 -43 20 34 29 183 140
32nd Standard GM 55+ Dragonfly Male 218000 DBSC Michael Osborne 28 44 -46 15 37 20 190 144
33rd Standard GM 55+ Slamfoot Male 217306 VYC Oliver Shtein -35 35 24 21 31 33 179 144
34th Standard GM 55+ Smile and Wave Male 211487 RPAYC Steve Bryant -48 18 39 31 25 34 195 147
35th Standard Master 45+ Bone Shaper Male 199030 B16SC Andrew Quinn 34 43 -45 27 21 25 195 150
36th Standard GGM 65+ Forever Young Male 210208 MHASC Chris Kelleway 33 31 28 37 28 -40 197 157
37th Standard GM 55+ 10+GST Male 210818 IYC Andy Wharton -41 29 33 33 36 38 210 169
38th Standard Apprentice 35+ Gladiator Male 206413 CYC Shane Gaddes -40 37 34 35 33 30 209 169
39th Standard GM 55+ BBB Male 133 GSC/MHASC Bob Partridge 31 42 18 -45 45 36 217 172
40th Standard Master 45+ Rapid Fire Male 193385 RPAYC Dave Taylor -44 25 42 29 35 44 219 175
41st Standard GM 55+ Endless Summer Male 209528 MHASC Graham Jennings 46 -47 37 40 32 39 241 194
42nd Standard Apprentice 35+ Booyah Male 202751 DAC Hans Baecker 42 34 38 -46 44 37 241 195
43rd Standard Apprentice 35+ Klingons on the Star Male 202782 GRSC Steven Bolton -43 40 40 38 38 41 240 197
44th Standard Master 45+ London Pride Male 210167 DBSC Steven London (65.0 DNF) 50 41 36 41 31 264 199
45th Standard GM 55+ Plane Sailing Male 141878 LJSC John Baird 36 39 35 -57 46 46 259 202
46th Standard Master 45+ Donnybrook Male 209267 DBSC Conor Roche 38 38 47 44 42 -52 261 209
47th Standard Master 45+ 2ndChance Male 206751 MYC Michael Franklin -49 41 44 41 40 43 258 209
48th Standard GM 55+ Shadrack Male 199012 B16SC Rodney Gardner -51 45 36 43 43 49 267 216
49th Standard GM 55+ Mavi Male 207492 VYC Bill Reid 37 46 (65.0 DNC) 50 39 50 287 222
50th Standard GM 55+ Whisper Male 210159 RPAYC Bruce Ferguson 39 (65.0 DNC) 51 49 48 48 300 235
51st Standard Apprentice 35+ Menace! Male 176908 GSC/SSC Bill Nixey -53 51 53 42 49 45 293 240
52nd Standard GM 55+ Newman Male 208881 MYC David Walton 50 54 52 47 47 (65.0 DNC) 315 250
53rd Standard Master 45+ Ripple Effect Male 206044 LJSC Rod Baillie 54 56 (65.0 DNC) 53 50 42 320 255
54th Standard Master 45+ Eviota Male 199092 BYRA Anthony Irwin (65.0 DNF) 49 50 54 51 53 322 257
55th Standard Apprentice 35+ Tangled Sheeet Male 202697 JBSC Geoffrey Carne -55 53 48 55 55 51 317 262
56th Standard GM 55+ Liquid Asset Male 163972 IYC David Ginty (65.0 DNC) 52 49 56 53 55 330 265
57th Standard GM 55+ Kramer Male 212887 MYC Richard lacey 52 48 (65.0 DNC) 52 52 65.0 DNC 334 269
58th Standard GM 55+ Hells Bells Male 191635 IYC Mick Tilden (65.0 DNC) 65.0 DNC 65.0 DNC 39 54 54 342 277
59th Standard GM 55+ Ockhams Laser Male 208775 DBSC Gerry Donohoe 45 55 (65.0 DNC) 48 65.0 DNC 65.0 DNC 343 278
60th Standard GM 55+ Tight Lines Male 212882 MHASC Hugh Leicester 32 (65.0 DNC) 65.0 DNC 65.0 DNC 65.0 DNC 65.0 DNC 357 292
61st Standard GM 55+ Edna Male 184250 Mt Martha YC Andrew Coffey 56 (65.0 DNC) 65.0 DNC 65.0 DNC 65.0 DNC 65.0 DNC 381 316
62nd Standard Master 45+ Finesse Male 191631 GRSC Brian Ferguson (65.0 DNC) 65.0 DNC 65.0 DNC 65.0 DNC 65.0 DNC 65.0 DNC 390 325
62nd Standard Master 45+ Zippy Male 125000 PMYC Matthew Fraser (65.0 DNC) 65.0 DNC 65.0 DNC 65.0 DNC 65.0 DNC 65.0 DNC 390 325
62nd Standard GM 55+ event horizon Male 214999 VYC Mike Wilson (65.0 DNC) 65.0 DNC 65.0 DNC 65.0 DNC 65.0 DNC 65.0 DNC 390 325
Sailwave Scoring Software 2.19.8