Entries to 8 February
Gavin Blake Gunship DBSC Radial Apprentice 35+ Hans Baecker Booyah DAC Standard Apprentice 35+
Diana Chen Passing Wind DBSC Radial Apprentice 35+ David Newman DBSC Standard Apprentice 35+
James Tudball Captain Steamy DBSC Radial Apprentice 35+ Nicholas Pellow Go Neutral DBSC Standard Apprentice 35+
Alistair Sutherland Iron Buddha DBSC Radial Apprentice 35+ Hadrien Bourely Romeo DBSC Standard Apprentice 35+
Patrick Levy Bloke DBSC Radial GGM 65+ Bill Nixey Menace! GSC/SSC Standard Apprentice 35+
Mark Bethwaite Fine Wine DBSC Radial GGM 65+ Byron Georgouras Bamm Bamm Vaucluse YC Standard Apprentice 35+
Tony Ryan Misties Fool CYC/RANSA Radial GGM 65+ Murray Stone QUICKER FLICKER DBSC Standard Apprentice 35+
Michael O'Brien Shiaway Vaucluse YC Radial GGM 65+ Iain Cameron Iolani Manly YC Standard Apprentice 35+
Ian Clare Constant Friction Northbridge SC Radial GGM 65+ Matt Blakey 217277 Port Melbourne YC Standard Apprentice 35+
Tim Alexander Main Squeeze Nothbridge SC Radial GGM 65+ Geoffrey Carne Tangled Sheeet Jervis Bay SC Standard Apprentice 35+
Mark Bethwaite Fine Wine DBSC Radial GGM 65+ Ashley Deacon GG DBSC Standard GGM 65+
Julian van Aalst Mille & Lidie DBSC Radial GGM 65+ David Bennett Indispensable CRSC Standard GGM 65+
Peter Doyle Time and Tide Northbridge SC Radial GGM 65+ Chris Kelleway Forever Young MHASC Standard GGM 65+
Steve Osborne Mostly Harmless Lake Jindabyne SC Radial GGM 65+ Gerry Donohoe Ockhams Laser DBSC Standard GM 55+
David Edmiston Unfinished Business GSC Radial GGM 65+ Steve Gunther No Name PMYC Standard GM 55+
Ian Tudball Captain Tudwash DBSC Radial GGM 65+ Andrew Simpson Widget DBSC Standard GM 55+
David Robson Gone Left GRSC Radial GGM 65+ Graham Jennings Endless Summer MHASC Standard GM 55+
Peter Heywood KICK B16/NCYC Radial GGM 65+ Michael Osborne Dragonfly DBSC Standard GM 55+
John Black Indispensable II BYRA Radial GGM 65+ Chris Rodowicz Socially Distant VYC Standard GM 55+
Robert Lowndes Wiggle MHASC Radial GGM 65+ Gerry Donohoe Ockhams Laser DBSC Standard GM 55+
frank walsh Parkbench MHASC Radial GGM 65+ Matt Wenke N of 1 DBSC Standard GM 55+
Merv Lotze Logic Jarvis Bay SC Radial GGM 65+ Mike Wilson event horizon vyc Standard GM 55+
Peter Eslick CRSC Radial GGM 65+ Andy Wharton 10+GST Illawarra YC Standard GM 55+
Jeff Loosemore Shark MHASC & GRSC Radial GGM 65+ Oliver Shtein Slamfoot Vaucluse YC Standard GM 55+
Peter Stephinson Sid Knee MM MHASC Radial GGM 65+ Hugh Leicester Tight Lines MHASC Standard GM 55+
Stuart Allan Ankle Biter Canberra YC Radial Legends 75+ BRUCE HILLEARD FADE TO GREY GRSC Standard GM 55+
Phil Eadie Wombat VYC Radial Legends 75+ Steve Bryant Smile and Wave RPAYC Standard GM 55+
Kevin Phillips Adios GSC Radial Legends 75+ Alan Downes Zarquon GSC Standard GM 55+
Lew Verdon Such is Life MHASC Radial Legends 75+ Jan Scholten The Left Lane RPAYC / ASC Standard GM 55+
DAVID WYLLIE Bonnie Tuesday PMYC Radial Legends 75+ Richard lacey Kramer MYC Standard GM 55+
Per Gustafsson Waverunner GRSC Radial GM 55+ Bain Painter Forty Two Jervis Bay SC Standard GM 55+
John Smidmore Rust Never Sleeps Northbridge S C Radial GM 55+ Chris Dawson Seedy RPAYC Standard GM 55+
Tony McPhail Coconut Telegraph RBYC Radial GM 55+ Bob Partridge BBB GSC/MHASC Standard GM 55+
Nick Ede Don RBYC Radial GM 55+ Mick Tilden Hells Bells IYC Standard GM 55+
Martin White White House DBSC Radial GM 55+ David Cradock Pizza Delivery GRSC Standard GM 55+
Daryl Lawrence NB. Fluke DBSC Radial GM 55+ John Baird Plane Sailing Lake Jindabyne SC Standard GM 55+
Stephen Penny Hydra Northbridge SC Radial GM 55+ Mark Hooper Satu Lagi GRSC Standard GM 55+
Rick Longbottom Dash CYC/RANSA Radial GM 55+ Robert Wilson Trash Talk PMYC Standard GM 55+
David Airey TBA DBSC Radial GM 55+ Bruce Ferguson Whisper Rpayc Standard GM 55+
Jenny Danks SPEC MHASC / RPAYC Radial GM 55+ Andrew Summers May contain nuts Jervis Bay SC Standard GM 55+
Richard Moncton Northbridge SC Radial GM 55+ Andrew Coffey Edna Mount Martha YC Standard GM 55+
Kerry Mcgaw Quickdraw Lake Jindabyne SC Radial GM 55+ Matthew Fraser Zippy Port Melbourne YC Standard Master 45+
Vanessa Dudley Nutloaf MHASC Radial GM 55+ Brett Beyer SlowCoach WSC Standard Master 45+
Simon Bartels Endless Friction NSC Radial GM 55+ Luke Parker Nosey DBSC Standard Master 45+
Lindsay Whitton Pure Blonde RPAYC Radial GM 55+ Rod Barnes Barnstormer DBSC Standard Master 45+
David Early Mischief GRSC Radial GM 55+ Mike Dunne Almost Dunne DBSC Standard Master 45+
Craig Davis All hands on deck VYC Radial GM 55+ Ian Alexander Bigdog DBSC Standard Master 45+
Diane Sissingh #blouse mhasc Radial GM 55+ Jules Hall Disko Trooper DBSC Standard Master 45+
Philip Ipsen Flat White MHASC Radial GM 55+ Steven London London Pride DBSC Standard Master 45+
Philip Reid Bád Manly Yacht Club Radial GM 55+ Geoff Kirk Antipodean DBSC Standard Master 45+
Ian Young Barry Crocker GRSC Radial GM 55+ Stuart Holdsworth Full Cream Milk RPAYC Standard Master 45+
Ken Roper Tangled Ropes GRSC Radial GM 55+ Nick Alexander Ralphy MHASC/DBSC Standard Master 45+
Boudy de Haas AFRAYED KNOT ILLAWARRA YC Radial GM 55+ Matthew Faddy Salt VYC Standard Master 45+
Robert McCulloch Pats Force Northbridge SC Radial GM 55+ Dave Taylor Rapid Fire RPAYC Standard Master 45+
Tony Stephens Pierro NSC Radial GM 55+ Anthony Irwin Eviota BYRA Standard Master 45+
Andrew Cox troublemaker DBSC Radial Master 45+ Ian Saunders Send it Manly YC Standard Master 45+
Katie McHugh Therapy DBSC Radial Master 45+ Conor Roche Donnybrook DBSC Standard Master 45+
Chris Severn Severn C’s Northbridge SC Radial Master 45+ Brian Ferguson Finesse GRSC Standard Master 45+
Kirk Marcolina Zoom DBSC Radial Master 45+ Rod Baillie Ripple Effect Lake Jindabyne SC Standard Master 45+
Jeffrey Myers Priority One GRSC Radial Master 45+ Phil Bookallil Raptor MHASC Standard Master 45+
David Murphy Murphy’s DBSC Radial Master 45+ Pru Bennett Momentai RPAYC 4.7 GM 55+
Nick Coates Gubbly GRSC Radial Master 45+ Sandy Kiernan Fluffys luffa Northbridge SC 4.7 Master 45+
Martin Wilson Drunken pirate GRSC Radial Master 45+ Lara Bowman Port Kembla SC 4.7 Master 45+